Thursday 7 April 2011

New work coming very soon...

I can't believe I haven't posted anything for almost three weeks!  I have been manically busy - setting up the studio, shooting Quality Knitwear's new look book, testing in the studio and working on my new (and currently on going) project, which is really fun to work on and I am sure something people will love...more on that soon!

When I get a moment to get the edits ready I will start posting - expect Quality Knitwear photos to be hitting the blog on Monday.

Until then I hope everyone's out showing their opaque skins to the sun...

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About Me

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I am a London based photographer specialising in music, portraits and commercial photography. I trained in Graphic Design for four years then went on to complete a degree in fashion photography at the London College of Fashion. My passion for photography was spurned from my dad who used to be an extremely talented amateur photographer, he will always be my inspiration for everything I do... I have had work published in a variety of mediums including iD, Time Out, Billboard magazine, The Times, The Guardian, MTV and the BBC, as well as producing campaigns for charities such as Age Concern and Cancer Research UK. I live and breathe the work I do, I'm happy to say I'm an addict to photography and hope never to sober up... you can always expect dedication to the work that I do, so if anyone out there is looking for a photographer to commission -pick me!