Thursday, 17 February 2011

Rob Zombie...

Well, could work get more varied than this?!  Last week shooting a brilliant and beautiful night for All Walks at the National Portrait Gallery, this week huddling up with 30 other photographers in the pit at the Brixton Academy to shoot Rob Zombie!

After a 12 year UK hiatus Rob returned to England for a sell out show, not only that, I believe that this was the first time that Rob had brought over his entire stage - which was, frankly, a mind-blowing spectacle!

The stage, and all us photographers, were in a heavy cloak of smoke from the start - which was simply impossible to shoot through, but somehow it didn't matter since I was in awe of the whole thing!  We were warned prior to the show that Rob loves red lighting - and he didn't disappoint - which was another hurdle to over come, as anyone knows who has to shoot under red (or blue) gels, it does not translate well in camera...

The pyrotechnics were so fierce I could feel the heat permeating around me, the whole set up was really incredible - the outfits, the make-up, the stage, the GIANT metal robot with glowing blue eyes - which Rob came out of to start the show, the grotesque skeleton mic stands, video projections... I could go on for ages.

But, as they say, a picture can tell a thousand words...

(oh and Arsenal beat Barca - what a night!)


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About Me

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I am a London based photographer specialising in music, portraits and commercial photography. I trained in Graphic Design for four years then went on to complete a degree in fashion photography at the London College of Fashion. My passion for photography was spurned from my dad who used to be an extremely talented amateur photographer, he will always be my inspiration for everything I do... I have had work published in a variety of mediums including iD, Time Out, Billboard magazine, The Times, The Guardian, MTV and the BBC, as well as producing campaigns for charities such as Age Concern and Cancer Research UK. I live and breathe the work I do, I'm happy to say I'm an addict to photography and hope never to sober up... you can always expect dedication to the work that I do, so if anyone out there is looking for a photographer to commission -pick me!